Letra Música Morte Et Dabo – Asking Alexandria

Morte et Dabo
Morte et Dabo
So he came forth and said unto me
Son you are forsaken
Condemned for the sins that you live
I offer you forgiveness

So he came forth and said unto me
Son you are forsaken
Condemned for the sins that you live
I offer you forgiveness

Bow down before me
Bow down before me

I’ll never bow to he who claims to be divine
I’ll tear down your gates with my bare fucking hands
And burn the world that you rule over
No matter how convinced you are you’re not a God of mine
You’re not a fucking God of mine

I never believed in you
From what I see it was justified
I never believed in you, in you

This power over the masses is a gift you don’t deserve
When your blood spills, I’ll drink from your skull
You can run but you can’t hide

Bitch, I’ll fucking find you!
I’ll tear yours eyes right out of your self-righteous face
Lord, I’ll fucking find you!
I’ll dig your tongue out of your rancid fucking mouth

Heaven will, burn to the fucking ground
Your world will crumble, and fall from the skies
Blood will spill, and rain upon the earth
Your reign is over, and I’ll wear your crown

This is your demise
I know you can feel it in your chest
This is your demise
It’s getting closer
This is your demise
I’m creeping from the depths of hell
This is your demise
I know where you sleep

I never believed in you
From what I see it was justified
I never believed in you, in you

What a way to end the world
With false hope in a false God
What a way to end the world
With false hope in you

What a way to end the world
With false hope in a false God
What a way to end the world
With false hope in youAsking Alexandria – Morte Et Dabo – Ouvir Música

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