Letra Música Killing You – Asking Alexandria

You loved me for all the wrong reasons
There’s nothing but pain left I know
What’s killing me is that I’m killing you
Three years of torment and torturous love
Stained with tears and mistrust
Enough is enough
I can’t hold you any longer in this hell I’m in
Cause your heart is to weak for me to break it again
All the mistakes that I’ve made
You forgave, what the fuck? You shouldn’t have stayed
You’d always said “there’s so much love in you”
I can’t believe that you can’t see that

You loved me for all the wrong reasons
I’m not the same as I used to be
There’s nothing but pain left I know
What’s killing me is that I’m killing you

Do you remember the beginning? Heartbeats one and the same?
Living smitten in texas
Burning bright as a flame
So young and in love, no care what anyone said
‘Til my soul grew cold and my heart turn dead
What went so wrong with me?
Why did I break this?
Why was I so blind and fucking dumb to see
That we were perfect ‘til I turned around and gave in to debauchery
This is your chance to escape this, my goodbye with a last kiss
‘Cause I know deep down you know that

You loved me for all the wrong reasons
I’m not the same as I used to be
There’s nothing but pain left I know
What’s killing me is that I’m killing you

You loved me for all the wrong reasons
I’m not the same as I used to be
There’s nothing but pain left I know
What’s killing me is that I’m killing youAsking Alexandria – Killing You – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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