Letra Música This Could Be Anywhere In The World – Alexisonfire

This town has its claws
Buried in my neck
This town it takes life without mercy
Without hate
The streets are in distress
The Sun suffocates behind darkened skies

The grass is growing on top of my feet
I’m thinking, it won’t be to long until before
I’m too deep to run

The line up seems endless underneath the salvation signs

We are the dead ones
We are the lost cause
We are the bend before the break
Our steps seal our fate

Because this city, this city is haunted by ghosts (ghosts)
From broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
There’s no hope (hope) left for these souls (souls)

Every step I take
I leave a small piece
Of myself behind
Soon there will be nothing left

The cracks in the pavement
Match the cracks in their weathered skin

The sky’s a brick wall
The ground’s a juggernaut
Each day they get a bit closer, between them
I am caught

As I stare in amazement
I can’t believe this is where I live

Every breathe I take
I feel my lungs seal
This breeze feels more like shards of glass
I’m more scars than skin

Because this city, this city is haunted by ghosts (ghosts)
From broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
There’s no hope (hope) left for these souls (souls)

Our steps seal fate
Our steps seal fate
This is our celebration, come join the lost souls
This is our celebration, come join the lost souls

This city, this city is haunted

Oh, walk with us all
Oh, down, walk with us

Because this city, this city is haunted by ghosts (ghosts)
From broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
There’s no hope (hope), left for these souls (souls)Alexisonfire – This Could Be Anywhere In The World – Ouvir Música

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