Letra Música Forever – Skid Row

Remember when we were young
Just two kids on the run
With our fists full of dreams
Took it awhile, playin’ it cool
Stayed up late cuttin’ school
While lightin’ cigarettes, like James Dean

In the backseat of my Chevrolet
Where the radio would play and play
And all the world would fade away

Together we stand
Well, its just you and me
So baby, hold on and you’ll see
Forever we stand
And we’ll make it through
‘Cause I know that I can’t live without you


They said we’re growin’ up too fast
What we had would never last
So we left without goodbyes

And then some times, well, they got tough
Roads ahead looked kinda rough
And all we had was you and I

We prayed to God on those cold, dark nights
And then we knew that it would be alright
We’d go through hell just to hold each other tight

Together we stand
Well, its just you and me
So baby, hold on and you’ll see
Forever we stand
And we’ll make it through
‘Cause I know that I can’t live without you

As long as the world keeps turning,
As long as there’s another day
Together, forever we’ll stay


In the backseat of my Chevrolet
Where the radio would play and play
And all the world would fade away


Together we stand
Well, its just you and me
So baby, hold on and you’ll see
Forever we stand
And we’ll make it through
‘Cause I know that I can’t live without you

Forever we stand
Forever we stand!Skid Row – Forever – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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