Letra Música 18 And Life – Skid Row

Ricky was a young boy
He had a heart of stone
Lived 9 to 5 and worked
His fingers to the bone
Just barely out of school
Came from the edge of town
Fought like a switchblade
So no one could take him down
He had no money
No good at home
He walked the streets a soldier
And he fought the world alone
And now it’s

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

Tequila in his heartbeat
His veins burned gasoline
It kept his motor runnin’
But he never kept it clean
They say he loved adventure
Ricky’s the wild one
He married trouble
Had a courtship with a gun

Bang, bang, shoot ‘em up
The party never ends
You can’t think of dying
When the bottle’s your best friend
And now it’s

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

Accidents will happen
They all heard Ricky say
He fired his six-shot to the wind
That child blew a child away

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to goSkid Row – 18 And Life – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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