Letra Música Heaven’s On Fire – KISS

I look at you and my blood boils hot
I feel my temperature rise
I want it all, give me what you got
There’s hunger in your eyes
I’m getting closer, baby, hear me breathe
(Hah, hah, hah)
You know the way to give me what I need
Just let me love you and you’ll never leave

Feel my heat taking you higher
Burn with me, heaven’s on fire
Paint the sky with desire
Angel, fly, heaven’s on fire

I got a fever raging in my heart
You make me shiver and shake
Baby, don’t stop, take it to the top
Eat it like a piece of cake

You’re coming closer, I can hear you breathe
(Hah, hah, hah)
You drive me crazy when you start to tease
You could bring the devil to his knees

Feel my heat taking you higher
Burn with me, heaven’s on fire
Paint the sky with desire
Angel, fly, heaven’s on fire

Oh, oh, heaven’s on fire
Oh, oh, heaven’s on fire
Oh, oh

I’m getting closer, baby, hear me breathe
(Hah, hah, hah)
You know the way to give me what I need
Just let me love you and you’ll never leave

Feel my heat taking you higher
Burn with me, heaven’s on fire
Paint the sky with desire
Angel, fly, heaven’s on fire

Feel my heat taking you higher
Burn with me, heaven’s on fire
Paint the sky with desire
Angel, fly, heaven’s on fire

Feel my heat taking you higher
Burn with me, heaven’s on fire
Paint the sky with desire
Angel, fly, heaven’s on fireKISS – Heaven’s On Fire – Ouvir Música

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