Letra Música After All These Years – Journey

A faded wedding photograph
You and me in our first dance
Our eyes are closed
We’re lost in one sweet embrace
Since those days the world has changed
But our love remains the same
God knows we’ve had our share of saving grace
And I’m proud of all the blessings
You have given me
The mountains we have climbed to get this far
You’ve learned to take the laughter with the tears
After all these years

You make it feel brand new
After the fires that we walked through
Against the odds we never lost our faith

In our house we’ve made our home
Where our children all have grown
Precious moments time cannot erase

Make a living up and down the gypsy highways
Seasons that we’ve had to share apart
Somehow in my heart I always keep you near me
After all these years

After all these years
You stood by me
The days and nights that I was gone
After all these years
You sacrificed, believed in me
And you stood strong
Cause with our love there’s nothing left to fear
After all these years

After all these years
You stood by me
The days and nights that I was gone
After all these years
You’ve sacrificed, believed in me
And you stood strong
Cause with our love there’s nothing left to fear
After all these yearsJourney – After All These Years – Ouvir Música

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