Letra Música The General – Guns N’ Roses

Daddy, don’t
I swear I won’t
I’ll be good from now on
And I’m awful sorry
Daddy don’t
The hell I won’t
I won’t be good anymore
And you’ll all be sorry
Can anybody tell me why the pain, it just won’t stop?
Can anybody help me?
The pain it just won’t stop

My only regret
Is that I never took the time to forgive
All those unspoken feelings
That were never spared
And those who understand
And lack self respect
And not the sordid meaning

Daddy, don’t
I swear I won’t
I’ll be good from now on
And I’m awful sorry
Daddy don’t
The hell I won’t
I won’t be good anymore
And you’ll all be sorry

Can anybody tell me why the pain, it just won’t stop?
Can anybody help me?
The pain it just won’t stop

My only regret
Is that I never took the time to forgive
All those unspoken feelings
That were never spared
And those who understand
And lack self respect
And not the sordid meaning

Don’t know what to tell you now
It’s never really what they tell you, now
You oughta know what they tell you now
And not really what they tell you now
Don’t know what to tell you now
It ain’t really what they tell you, now
Don’t go where they tell you, now
It ain’t really what they tell you, now

My only regret
Is that I never took the time to forgive
All those unspoken feelings
That were never spared
And those who understand
And lack self respect
And not the sordid meaning

Is that I never took the time to forgiveGuns N’ Roses – The General – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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