Letra Música Right Next Door To Hell – Guns N’ Roses

I’ll take a nicotine, caffeine, sugar fix
Jesus, don’t ya get tired of turnin’ tricks?
But when your innocence dies you’ll find the blues
Seems all our heroes were born to lose
Just walkin’ through time, you believe this heat
Another empty house, another dead end street
Gonna rest my bones and sit for a spell
This side of heaven, this close to hell
Right next door to hell
Why don’t you write a letter to me?
I said: I’m right next door to hell
And so many eyes are on me
Right next door to hell
I got nowhere else to be
Right next door to hell
Feels like the walls are closing in on me

My mama never really said much to me
She was much to young and scared to be
Hell, Freud might say that’s what I need
But all I really ever get is greed
And most my friends they feel the same
Hell, we don’t even have ourselves to blame
But times are hard and thrills are cheaper
As your arms get shorter your pockets get deeper

Right next door to hell
Why don’t you write a letter to me?
I said I’m right next door to hell
And so many eyes are on me
Right next door to hell
I never thought this is where I’d be
But I’m right next door to hell
Thinking time’ll stand still for me

Fuck you

Not bad kids, just stupid ones
Yeah, thought we’d own the world and getting used was having fun
I said: We’re not sad kids, just lucid ones
Yeah, flowing through life, not collecting anyone
So much out there, still so much to see
Time’s too much to handle, time’s too much for me
It drives me up the walls, drives me out of my mind
Can you tell me what this means, huh?Guns N’ Roses – Right Next Door To Hell – Ouvir Música

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