Letra Música Paradise City – Guns N’ Roses

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
(Take me home) oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
(Take me home) oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
Just an urchin living under the street
I’m a hard case that’s tough to beat
I’m your charity case, so buy me something to eat
I’ll pay you at another time
Take it to the end of the line

Rags to riches, or so they say
You gotta keep pushing for the fortune and fame
You know it’s, it’s all a gamble when it’s just a game
You treat it like a capital crime
Everybody’s doing their time

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home, yeah, yeah?
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home

Strapped in the chair of the city’s gas chamber
Why I’m here, I can’t quite remember
The surgeon general says it’s hazardous to breathe
I’d have another cigarette, but I can’t see
Tell me who you’re gonna believe

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home, yeah, yeah
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home, yeah?

So far away, so far away
So far away, so far away

Captain America’s been torn apart
Now he’s a court jester with a broken heart
He said, turn me around and take me back to the start
I must be losing my mind, are you blind?
I’ve seen it all a million times

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home, yeah, yeah
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home, yeah, yeah
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home, home?

Oh, I wanna go, I wanna know
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
I wanna see how good it can be
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
(Take me home) oh, won’t you please take me home?
Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?

Take me down (oh, yeah), spin me ‘round
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
I wanna see how good it can be
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?

I wanna see how good it can be
Oh, oh, take me home

Take me down to the Paradise City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
I wanna go, I wanna know
Oh, won’t you, please, take me home?
Yeah, babyGuns N’ Roses – Paradise City – Ouvir Música

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