Letra Música Anthem – Greta Van Fleet

With the news, there’s something every day
So many people thinking different ways, you say
Where is the music?
A tune to free the soul
A simple lyric, to unite us all, you know
Your opinion only knows the one thing
That you seem to want to have most
And you chose
To save yourself in your own time you’ll have to
Stay and open up your own mind

And every glow in the twilight knows
That the world is only what the world is made of
Just you and me can agree to disagree
And the world is only what the world is made of

In all the noise facing every day
The colored world has turned into a grey, you say
And from the void, the place in which we came
Can we step back and see we want the same?
Oh, Lord

Your opinion only knows the one thing
That you seem to want to have most
And you chose
To save yourself in your own time you’ll have to
Stay and open up your own mind

And every glow in the twilight knows
That the world is only what the world is made of
Just you and me can agree to disagree
And the world is only what the world is made of (hey)

And every glow in the twilight knows
That the world is only what the world is made of
Just you and me can agree to disagree
And the world is only what the world is made of

And every glow in the twilight knows
That the world is only what the world is made of
Just you and me can agree to disagree
And the world is only what the world is made of

And every glow in the twilight knows
That the world is only what the world is made of
Just you and me can agree to disagree
And the world is only what the world is made ofGreta Van Fleet – Anthem – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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