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Letra Música Miracle – Bon Jovi

A penny for your thoughts now, baby
Looks like the weight of the world’s on your shoulders now
I know you think you’re going crazy
Just when it seems everything’s gonna work itself out
They drive you right back down
And you said it ain’t fair that a man walks
When a bird can fly, we have to kick the ground
The stars kiss the sky
They say that spirits live, a man has to die
They promised us truth, now they’re giving us lies

Gonna take a miracle to save us this time
And your savior has just left town
Gonna need a miracle
‘Cause it’s all on the line
And I won’t let you down (no, I won’t let you down)

The river of your hope is flooding
And I know the dam is busted
If you need me, I’ll come running
I won’t let you down, no, no

You’re looking for salvation
You thought that it’d be shining like an angel’s light
Well, the angels left this nation
And salvation caught the last train out tonight
He lost one hell of a fight

He said: I’m just one man
That’s all I’ll ever be
I never can be everything you wanted from me
I’ve got big plans, so big that any blind man could see
I’m standing in the river, now I’m drowning in the sea

Gonna take a miracle to save us this time
And your savior has just left town
Gonna need a miracle
‘Cause your heart’s on the line
And your heartbeat is slowing down (heartbeat slowing)

Your feet are grounded still, you’re reaching for the sky
You can let ‘em clip your wings
‘Cause I believe that you can fly

Well, my eyes have seen the horror
Of the coming of the flood
I’ve driven deep the thorny crown
Into the soul of someone’s son

Still I’ll look you in the eye
‘Cause I’ve believed in things I’ve thought
And I’ll die without regret
For the wars I have fought

Gonna take a miracle to save you this time
And your savior has just left town
Gonna need a miracle
‘Cause your heart’s doing time
And your conscience is calling you out (conscience calling you)

It ain’t all for nothing, life ain’t written in the sand
I know the tide is coming
But it’s time we made a stand
With a miracle

Gonna take a miracle
I need a miracle
I need a miracle
I need a miracle
I need a miracleBon Jovi – Miracle – Ouvir Música

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