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Letra Música Christmas Isn’t Christmas – Bon Jovi

Fancy paper, pretty ribbons
Wrap each present that is new
And the sounds of this good season fills the night
We’ll light a fire, send seasons greetings
We’ll sing a song of Yule
There’s nothing wrong but this year Christmas isn’t right
Oh it’s a beautiful day
We’ll give thanks and we’ll pray
For every blessing and the dreams that came true
Oh it’s a beautiful night
But I can’t wait for first light
When the sky will shine a different kind of blue

Snow still falling, friends are calling
Bringing laughter and good cheer
Wine is flowing and another year’s gone by
Nothing’s changed but life keeps changing
Some say hello, some say goodbye
It’s the memories that keep me warm tonight

Oh it’s a beautiful day
We’ll give thanks and we’ll pray
For every blessing and the dreams that came true
Oh it’s a beautiful night
But I can’t wait for first light
That’s when the sky will shine a different kind of blue
This year Christmas isn’t Christmas without you

How am I supposed to let you go
When you’re the only thing I’ve ever known
You’re the reason that I keep holding on
Now who’s strong and who’s afraid
Tomorrow won’t be yesterday
Tomorrow just can’t be like yesterday

Fancy paper, pretty ribbons
Promise me you’ll come home soon
‘Cause Christmas isn’t Christmas without you
Oh Christmas isn’t Christmas without youBon Jovi – Christmas Isn’t Christmas – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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