Letra Música Astronomy – Blue Öyster Cult

Clock strikes twelve and Moon drops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman’s face
His reason tends to fly away
Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
And now the sand’s become a crust
Most of you have gone away

Oh, come Susie, dear, let’s take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you’ll soon be married
And you’ll want to know where winds come from

Well it’s never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the Four Winds Bar

Hey, hey
Hey, hey

Four winds at the Four Winds Bar
Two doors locked and windows barred
One door to let to take you in
The other one just mirrors it

Hey, hey
Hey, hey

Uh, hellish glare and inference
The other one’s a duplicate
The queenly flux, eternal light
Or the light that never warms

Yes, the light that never, never warms
Oh, the light that never
Never warms
Never warms
Never warms

The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Susie dear
Would find themselves at Four Winds Bar

It’s the nexus of the crisis
And the origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me

Hey, hey
Hey, hey

Hey, hey
Hey, hey

Call me Desdenova
Eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight

And don’t forget my doll
Fixe and consequent

Astronomy a star
Astronomy a star

Astronomy a star
Astronomy a starBlue Öyster Cult – Astronomy – Ouvir Música

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