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Letra Música What It Takes – Aerosmith

There goes my old girlfriend
Well, there’s another diamond ring
And all those late night promises
I guess they don’t mean anything
So, baby, what’s the story?
Did you find another man?
Is it easy to sleep in the bed that we made?
When you don’t look back
I guess the feelings start to fadeaway

I used to feel your fire
But now it’s cold inside
And you’re back on the street
Like you didn’t miss a beat, yeah

Tell me what it takes to let you go
Tell me how the pain’s supposed to go
Tell me how it is that you can sleep in the night

Without thinking you lost
Everything that was good
In your life to the toss of the dice
Tell me what it takes to let you go

Girl, before I met you
I was F.I.N.E., fine
But your love made me a prisoner
Yeah, my heart’s been doin’ time

Spent me up like money
Well, then you hung me out to dry
It was easy to keep
All your lies in disguise
‘Cause you had me in deep
With the devil in your eyes

Tell me what it takes to let you go
Tell me how the pain’s supposed to go
Tell me how it is that you can sleep in the night

Without thinking you lost
Everything that was good
In your life to the toss of the dice
Tell me what it takes to let you go, guitar!

Tell me that you’re happy that you’re on your own
Tell me that it’s better when you’re all alone
Tell me that your body doesn’t miss my touch
Tell me that my lovin’ didn’t mean that much
Tell me you ain’t dyin’ when you’re cryin’ for me

Tell me what it takes to let you go
Tell me how the pain’s supposed to go
Tell me how it is that you can sleep in the night

Without thinking you lost
Everything that was good
In your life to the toss of the dice

Tell me who’s to blame
For thinking twice, no, no, no, no
‘Cause I don’t wanna burn in paradise
I don’t, I don’t
I don’t wanna burn in paradi-dise

Let it go, let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go, let it go

Let it go, let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go, let it goAerosmith – What It Takes – Ouvir Música

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*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal A Tribuna News.