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Letra Música Walk This Way – Aerosmith

Backstrokin’ lover, always hidin’ ‘neath the covers
‘Til I talked to my daddy, he said
He said: You ain’t seen nothing ‘til you’re down on a muffin
Then you’re sure to be a-changin’ your ways
I met a cheerleader, was a real young bleeder
All the times I could reminisce
‘Cause the best things of lovin’ with her sister and her cousin
Only started with a little kiss like this

See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school
With your feet flyin’ up in the air
Singin’: Hey, diddle-diddle with your kitty in the middle
Of the swing like I didn’t care

So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Wasn’t me she was foolin’ ‘cause she knew what she was doin’
And I knew love was here to stay when she told me to

Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, walk this way
Walk this way, walk this way
Walk this way, talk this way

Ah, just give me a kiss
Like this

Schoolgirl sweetie with the classy kinda sassy
Little skirt’s climbin’ way up her knee
There was three young ladies in the school gym locker
When I noticed they was looking at me

I was a high school loser, never made it with a lady
‘Til the boys told me somethin’ I missed
Then my next door neighbor with a daughter had a favor
So I gave her just a little kiss like this

See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school
With your feet flyin’ up in the air
Singin’: Hey, diddle-diddle with your kitty in the middle
Of the swing like I didn’t care

So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Wasn’t me she was foolin’ ‘cause she knew what she was doin’
When she told me how to walk this way, she told me to

Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, walk this way
Walk this way, walk this way
Walk this way, talk this way

Just give me a kiss
Like thisAerosmith – Walk This Way – Ouvir Música

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