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Letra Música Hole In My Soul – Aerosmith

I’m down a one-way street, with a one-night stand
With a one track mind, out in no-man’s land
The punishment sometimes don’t seem to fit the crime
Yeah, there’s a hole in my soul, but one thing I’ve learned
For every love letter written, there’s another one burned
So you tell me how it’s gonna be this time
Is it over?
Is it over?
‘Cause I’m blowing out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find
There’s nothing there, girl, yeah, I swear
I’m telling you, girl, yeah ‘cause

There’s a hole in my soul that’s been killing me forever
It’s a place where a garden never grows
There’s a hole in my soul, yeah, I should have known better
‘Cause your love’s like a thorn without a rose
Yeah, yeah

I’m as dry as a seven-year drought
I got dust for tears and I’m all tapped out
Sometimes I feel broken and can’t get fixed
I know there’s been all kinds of shoes underneath your bed
Now I sleep with my boots on, but you’re still in my head
And something tells me this time I’m down to my last licks

‘Cause if it’s over
Then it’s over
And it’s driving me insane

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find
There’s nothing there, girl, yeah, I swear
I’m telling you, girl, yeah ‘cause

There’s a hole in my soul that’s been killing me forever
It’s a place where a garden never grows
There’s a hole in my soul, yeah, I should have known better
‘Cause your love’s like a thorn without a rose
Yeah, yeah

Yeah, is it over?
Yeah, it’s over
And I’m blowing out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find
There’s nothing there, girl, yeah, I swear
I’m telling you, girl, yeah ‘cause

There’s a hole in my soul that’s been killing me forever
And it’s a place where a garden never grows
There’s a hole in my soul, yeah, I should have known better
‘Cause your love’s like a thorn without a rose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahAerosmith – Hole In My Soul – Ouvir Música

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