Letra Música Shot In The Dark – AC/DC

I need a pick me up
A Rollin’ Thunder truck
I need a shot of you
A tattooed lady wild
Like a mountain ride
I got a hunger, that’s the loving truth
You got a long night coming
And a long night pumping
You got the right position
The heat of transmission

(A shot in the dark)
Make you feel alright
(A shot in the dark)
All through the whole night
(A shot in the dark)
Yeah, electric sparks
(A shot in the dark)
Beats a walk in the park, yeah

Blast it on the radio
Breaking on the TV show
Send it out on all the wires
And if I didn’t know any better
Your mission is to party
Till the broad daylight

You got a long night coming
And a long night going
You got the right position
The heat of transmission

(A shot in the dark)
Make you feel alright
(A shot in the dark)
All through the whole night
(A shot in the dark)
Yeah, еlectric sparks
(A shot in the dark)
Beats a walk in thе park, yeah

My mission is to hit ignition

(A shot in the dark)
Make you feel alright
(A shot in the dark)
All through the whole night
(A shot in the dark)
Yeah, electric sparks
(A shot in the dark)
Beats a walk in the park, yeah

A shot in the dark
Ooh, a shot in the dark
A shot in the dark
A shot in the dark
A shot in the dark
Make you feel alright
A shot in the dark
Beats a walk in the park, yeahAC/DC – Shot In The Dark – Ouvir Música

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