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Letra Música What’d I Miss? – Hamilton: An American Musical







How does the bastard orphan

Immigrant decorated war vet

Unite the colonies through more debt?

Fight the other founding fathers

Til he has to forfeit?

Have it all, lose it all

You ready for more yet?

Treasury Secretary Washington’s the President

Ev’ry American experiment sets a precedent

Not so fast. Someone came along to resist him

Pissed him off until we had a two-party system

You haven’t met him yet, you haven’t had the chance

‘Cause he’s been kickin’ ass

As the ambassador to France

But someone’s gotta keep the American promise

You simply must meet Thomas, Thomas!


Thomas Jefferson’s coming home!

Thomas Jefferson’s coming home!

Thomas Jefferson’s coming home!

Thomas Jefferson’s coming home!

Thomas Jefferson’s coming home Lord he’s

Been off in Paris for so long!


France is following us to revolution

There is no more status quo

But the Sun comes up

And the world still spins

I helped Lafayette draft a declaration

Then I said: I gotta go

I gotta be in Monticello

Now the work at home begins

So what’d I miss?

What’d I miss?

Virginia, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss

I’ve been in Paris meeting lots of different ladies

I guess I basic’lly missed the late eighties

I traveled the wide, wide world and came back to this

There’s a letter on my desk from the President

Haven’t even put my bags down yet

Sally be a lamb, darlin’, won’tcha open it?

It says the President’s assembling a cabinet

And that I am to be the Secretary of State, great!

And that I’m already Senate-approved

I just got home and now I’m headed up to New York


Headin’ to New York!

Headin’ to New York!


Lookin’ at the rolling fields

I can’t believe that we are free


Believe that we are free


Ready to face

Whatever’s awaiting

Me in N.Y. c


Me in N.Y. c


But who’s waitin’ for me when I step in the place?

My friend James Madison, red in the face

He grabs my arm and

I respond

What’s goin’ on?


Thomas, we are engaged in a battle

For our nation’s very soul

Can you get us out of the mess we’re in?

Hamilton’s new financial plan is nothing less

Than government control

I’ve been fighting for the South alone

Where have you been?


Uh, France


We have to win


What’d I miss?

What’d I miss?

Headfirst into a political abyss!

I have my first cabinet meeting today

I guess I better think of something to say

I’m already on my way

Let’s get to the bottom of this


Wha-wha-what’d I miss?

I’ve come home to this?

Headfirst, into the abyss!


On my way

What did I miss?


Mister Jefferson, welcome home


Mister Jefferson? Alexander Hamilton

[Washington & Ensemble]

Mister Jefferson, welcome home


Mister Jefferson, welcome home

Sir, you’ve been off in Paris for so long!


So what did I miss?

Hamilton: An American Musical – What’d I Miss? – Ouvir Música

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