Letra Música Butterfly On A Wheel – The Mission (UK)

Silver and gold and it’s growing cold
Autumn leaves lay as thick as thieves
Shivers down your spine chill you to the bone
´Cos the mandolin wind is the melody that turns your heart to stone
The heat of your breath carving shadow in the mist
Every angel has the wish that she´s never been kissed
A broken dream haunting in your sleep
And hiding in your smile a secret you must keep, love cuts you deep
Love breaks the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
Love breaks the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
There’s no scarlet in you, lay your veil down for me
As sure as god made wine, you can´t wrap your arms around a memory
Take warmth from me, cold autumn wind cut sharp as a knife
And in the dark for me, you´re the candle flame that flickers to life
Love breaks the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
Love breaks the wings of a butterfly on a wheel

Wise man say all is fair in love and war
There’s no right or wrong in the design of love
And I could only watch as the wind crushed your wings
Broken and torn, crushed like a flower under the snow
And like the flower in spring
Love will rise again to heal your wings
Love heals the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
Love will heal the wings of a butterfly on a wheel
The Mission (UK) – Butterfly On A Wheel – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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