Letra Música Wrong Number – The Cure

Lime green lime green lime green and tangerine
Are the sickly sweet colours of the snakes I’m seeing
Lime green lime green and tangerine
Are the sickly sweet colours of the devil in my dreams
Lime green lime green lime green and tangerine
Are the sickly sweet colours of the snakes I’m seeing
Lime green lime green and tangerine
Are the sickly sweet colours of the devil in my dreams
It gets to friday and I give you a call
You know I’m getting kind of worried
No she doesn’t seem herself at all
Lime green and a sickly kind of orange
I’ve never seen her like this before

I had the best laid plans this side of america
Started out in church and finished with angelica
Red and blue soul with a snow white smile
Can you dig it?
I had the best laid plans this side of america
Started out in church and finished with angelica
And now I dig it in the dirt
And I’m down here for a while

You’ve got to make up your mind and make it soon
Is there room in your life
For one more trip to the moon?
Is there room in your life
For one more?

Burn red burn red burn red burn red and gold
Are the deep dark colours of the snakes I hold
Burn red burn red burn red and gold
Are the deep dark colours of the devil at home
She pulls me down just as I’m trying to hide
Grabs me by the hair and drags me outside
And starts digging in the dirt
For a not so early bird it’s the only way
For her to get the worm

I had the best laid plans this side of america
Started out in church and finished with angelica
Red and blue soul with a snow white smile
Can you dig it?
I had the best laid plans this side of america
Started out in church and finished with angelica
And now I dig it in the dirt
And I’ll be down here for a while

Hello? Are you still there?
And much too late
Sorry, wrong numberThe Cure – Wrong Number – Ouvir Música

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*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal SRZD