Letra Música Universal Death Squad – Epica

We embrace judgment day
We embrace new inventions
Find your grace in defeat
We embrace new intentions
Forced on us by decree
We are the ones to change the world now
Still in control of all machinery
We claim the right to pull the trigger
And damage your image of honor

Creating existence
Embrace the technological remedy

Robotic legions stand in line to carry out
The retribution and effects of this
Advanced technology
All new inventions have to pay
They have to fight their way
To judgment day
Technological tragedy is near

We are the ones that rule the world now
You are entrapped by blind inanity
There is no way that you’ll revoke
Your decision
Now look for distraction

Creating existence
Embrace the technological elegy

Robotic legions stand in line to carry out
The retribution and effects of this
Advanced technology
All new inventions have to pay
They have to fight their way
To judgment day
Technological force

We are the enhanced natural leaders
Turning righteous men into deceivers

Schemes of the mind
Absence of soul
Symbol of the triumph over human race
Cold-blooded kind
Minds are controlled
Doomsday has arrived
There is no escape

I am forever the snake devouring its tail
In search of eternity

We embrace new inventions
Find your grace in defeat
We embrace new intentions
No one stands in our way

Creating existence
Embrace the technological misery

Technological times shall flourish

Fight your
(We are your leaders)
Way out
(Never displease us)
Show no remorseEpica – Universal Death Squad – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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