Letra Música Our Destiny – Epica

So many days we’ve spent together
Trying to get ahead with our dreams
Now we have come to the goal forgotten
Hurting within left us torn
The road is open
We find out way through ties where broken
So the means to the end
Was the peace that was meant
To be ours since it all began

-We fight to win

I won’t give up, we’ll fight to win
To move along from where we’d been
I’ll sing this song for you again
I’m looking up around the bend
We’re so much stronger than before
Our fraying edges on the mend

Life as we know would be so different
Had our paths continued the same
Seizing the day with all that’s offered
The good and the bad,
The clear and the haze

The road is open
We find out way through ties where broken
So the means to the end
Was the peace that was meant
To be ours since it all began

-We fight to win

I won’t give up, we’ll fight to win
To move along from where we’d been
I’ll sing this song for you again
I’m looking up around the bend
We’re so much stronger than before
Our fraying edges on the mend

To move along from where we’d been
I’ll sing this song for you again
I won’t give up, we’ll fight to win
We’re so much stronger than before
Our fraying edges on the mend

-Don’t let go (x3)

So hard to face what we’ve done wrong
We shared a life that can’t be
We cannot hide from destiny
So hard to face what had gone wrong
We’ve got to make this work
And give it our all

Give our all and won’t let go
Waiting so long for an answer
We’ve been waiting oh, so very long and
Now we’re ready to accept our fate

I won’t give up, we’ll fight to win
To move along from where we’d been
I’ll sing this song for you again
I’m looking up around the bend
We’re so much stronger than before
Our fraying edges on the mend

I won’t give up this fight
The sacrifices made
We gave our all
(And won’t let it go to die in vain
– Our melodies will be remembered
– Forever and ever

I’ll sing this song again
We’re stronger than before
We have the chance of lifetime
We’ll never close this door
– Our memories will fade away
– When the leaves have reached the soilEpica – Our Destiny – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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