Letra Música Abyss O´Time – Epica

Fill the void in me
See life beyond the veil
You and I connected with cosmic energy
Light the flame in thee
And grow the tree of your life
Let’s the battle of the shadows
And keep growing towards the light
No more fears divide of your tears
Find stillness deep inside

One thought that grows in the abyss of time
Fills up the vast space with matter and life
Free of the darkness that fetters the soul
Find at the source the end of your goal

Find the spark in me
Let far beyond your dream
You and I connected with pure divinity
Light the flame in thee
And merge with your inner light
Free ourselves from the darkness
That keeps roaming through your might

No more fears divide of your tears
Find stillness deep inside

One thought that grows in the abyss of time
Fills up the vast space with matter and life
Free of the darkness that fetters the soul
Find at the source the end of your goal

No more fears divide of your tears
Find stillness deep inside
No more fears divide of your tears
Be the master of your life

There was one thought that grew in the abyss of time
It filled up the vast space with matter and life
Freed from the darkness that fettered the soul
We found at the end our reason, our goal

We march on
We’re counting down
To singularity
While we drown
We’re moving on
To cosmic energyEpica – Abyss O´Time – Ouvir Música

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