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Ouvir Musica Spontaneous Song – Diante do Trono

Worship Him, worship the Father Tell Him you love him Worship the Father Delight yourself in Him With all your heart say Daddy, daddy, daddy, my daddy“Maybe just like me, you were privileged to have a good earthly father, but maybe the only picture you have of a father is a dominating, abusive father, a father who was not there for you, an absent father, a father who never supported you. Maybe the only thing you received from your earthly father were sorrow, resentment and pain, because those things were all he ever received from his father, or maybe you never knew your father, you never knew what a father was supposed to be like, but now, now you can know your heavenly father, you can have a real and intimate relationship with him, He loves you in a way that no earthly father, no matter how loving could never equal, your heavenly father, He never fails, He is a strong and powerful protector, yet a gentle and loving father for his children, YES, your heavenly father, he supplies all your needs and He asks nothing in return, He just wants you to come as his child into his presence, He is always ready to forgive you and restore you, because He loves you with an unconditional love” Worship Him, worship your heavenly father He never leaves you alone He never abandons you He never forsakes you He never disappoints you Worship the father His touch will never hurt you But his love can heal your wounded soul Worship the Father, He is always there for you Providing for each one of your needs He always understands you He knows your deepest thoughts He never condemns you, but He says, my child I love you, I love you, I love you }3x It’s so good to have a father My father, yes you are my father And I know, I know you care for me, you always care for me Supplying all of my needs, how I need you, my father You’re so good to me, you’re faithful, so faithful And true to me, you’re strong, you protect me You are all I need, my father, my best friend My closest friend, I love you I need you, o how I want you so close to me Thanks for loving me first, my daddy“Sometimes what children grow up, they forget what their father has done for them, but we as God’s children don’t ever want to forget”Estilo: GOSPEL/RELIGIOSO Artista: Diante do Trono Canal no Youtube: Diante do Trono

Spontaneous Song – Diante do Trono

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