Letra Música Once You Get A Taste – Tower Of Power

I’ll tell you something that you wanna know
I’ll show you the way that it’s gonna go
Here’s the story, it’s a natural fact
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
It don’t matter everywhere you been
It doesn’t even matter the shape you’re in
If you do the substance just jump back, Jack
‘Cause once you get a tasted there’s no turning back

Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
You can be on your own or you can run with the pack
But the time will come to clean up your act
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
There’s no turning back

People gonna give you all that free advice
They’ll tell you once, they’ll tell you twice
They’ll give you no peace, they’ll cut you no slack
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back

It always will be and it always was
People always tryin’ to cop a buzz
To the center of the earth in three seconds flat
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back

Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
You can be on your own or you can run with the pack
But the time will come to clean up your act
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
Oh, there’s no turning back

When you caught that plane, you missed the boat
End of story, that’s all she wrote
You can get on the train but be off the track
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back

Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
You can be on your own or you can run with the pack
But the time will come to clean up your act
Once you get a taste there’s no turning back

Once you get a taste there’s no turning back
You can be on your own or you can run with the pack
But the time will come to clean up your act
‘Cause once you get a taste there’s no turning back

Ooh, there’s no turning back, hey
Once you get a taste
You need to know there’s no turning back
Once you get a taste, once you get a taste
There’s no turning back

Once you get a taste, once you get a taste
Don’t you try itTower Of Power – Once You Get A Taste – Ouvir Música

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