Letra Música Another Point Of View – Bootsy Collins

Hey hey hey!
How do we make it?
We can make and I want to
Without faking
Hey hey hey!
How do you take it?
Can they take you in the light
When you are naked?

Hey hey hey!
How do we swing it?
Well ah, whatcha gonna do when the novelty
Wears off of your style?

Hey, hey hey!
How ya feelin?
Well ah, when you’re feeling mediocre
Tell me can you still smile?

Oh this is casper here
And I just wanna make a few friends
Even though you still can’t see me

Oh I’m deep
Deeper than deep
Coming out my silly sheet
And I’ll be cooler than cold
Comin’ out my ghostly haberdashery
I just pray that you and the world don’t throw stones at me baby

Ahh why can’t we be friends
If we can’t
We’ll just have to declare war on ya baby
But ah
Oh what a difference a day makes

We’re gonna make it
We’re gonna make it
If I never ever have to be phony for you
We’re gonna make it
We’re gonna make it
If I never ever have to be phony for you

I’m just another point of view
I’m just a reflection of you
No matter what anyone tries to do
The world can’t turn me against you
Oh what a difference a day makes baby

Right now!
Listen to the sons

I’m just another point in time
Your time is precious just like mine
No matter what anyone try to do
The world can’t turn me against you

Long as it’s did okay
It won’t be very long bubbah
‘Til this is run is up for me
Don’t cha know
I’ll be gone

And the harder I am walkin’
Makes me want to play
Listen to me bubbah
Hear these words I say
If you don’t yeer me!

Hey hey hey!
How do we make it?
We can make if we want to
Without faking

Hey hey hey!
How do we make it?
When they take you in the light
When you are naked

Hey hey hey!
How do we swing it?
Well ah
Whatcha gonna do
When the novelty wears off of your style?

Hey hey hey!
How ya feelin’?
Ah when ya feelin’ mediocre
Tell me can you still smile?

Hello this is casper
Ahh calling short distance
I just want to say
Oh what a difference a day makes baby
Play on horns
I may be slow, but I’m quicker than you

We’re gonna make it
We’re gonna make it
If I never ever have to be phony for you

I’m just another point of view
I’m just a reflection of you
No matter what anyone try to do
The world can’t turn me against you

I’m just another point in time
Your time is precious just like mine
No matter what anyone try to do
The world can’t turn me against you

I’m just another point of view (talk on bobba!)
I’m just a reflection of you (talk!)
No matter what anyone try to do
The world can’t turn me against youBootsy Collins – Another Point Of View – Ouvir Música

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