Baixar Mais Tocadas: Soul


Conheça o Soul Music, um estilo musical originado do Blues e do Gospel na década de 50. Característica da música negra. Soul (em português: alma) é um gênero musical dos Estados Unidos que nasceu do rhythm and blues e do gospel durante o final da década de 1950 e início da década de 1960 entre os negros. … Por consequência, a “música soul” nada mais era que uma referência à música negra, independentemente de gênero
Músicas Mais Tocadas do Soul 2020
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You watched me go through my first break up / We ate enough ice cream to never want more / When I need a pick me up, you pick me up / When I want to cry, when my heart is stuck
I got to say it and it’s hard for me / You got me cryin’ like I thought I would never be / Love is believin’ but you let me down / How can I love you when you ain’t around ?
I’ve been alone with you inside my mind / And in my dreams I’ve kissed your lips a thousand times / I sometimes see you pass outside my door / Hello, is it me you’re looking for?
What’s it all about, Alfie? / Is it just for the moment we live? / What’s it all about when you sort it out, Alfie? / Are we meant to take more than we give
Lili is a girl almost twenty-five / Her black skin is gold / Wears no makeup when she cries / With her intuition she cross her soul