Letra Música Picture Perfect – Escape The Fate

(Oh, oh, oh, ah)
(Oh, oh, ohh, oh, oh, oh, ohh)
(Oh, oh, ohh, oh, oh, oh, ohh)
(Oh, oh, ohh, oh, oh, oh, ohh)
You lived your life like you were on fire, but how could I dance?
When your soul just lifted me higher and higher and higher?
Paint bleeds, ink runs, image of your love
Your memory, our history

(Why did you have to go?)

I’d give up my eyes to see you one last time
And I’d give all my fingertips to touch you
And I could paint you picture perfect, even if I were blinded
But you had to die for me to see how to live

(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how, ohhh)
(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how, ohhh)

I lived my life hiding in shadows, but now I can see
‘Cause your soul is lifting me higher and higher and higher
Paint bleeds, I can’t breathe, need you here with me
Close my eyes, I can feel you close

(Why did you have to go?)

I’d give up my eyes to see you one last time
And I’d give all my fingertips to touch you
And I could paint you picture perfect, even if I were blinded
But you had to die for me to see how to live

Angels fall, it’s not your fault
Time goes on without you (without you)
Goodbye old friend, we’ll meet again
Life goes on without you

(Why did you have to go?)

I’d give up my eyes to see you one last time
And I’d give all my fingertips to touch you
And I could paint you picture perfect, even if I were blinded
But you had to die for me to see how to live

(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how, ohhh)
(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how, ohhh)
(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how to live)
(For me to see how, how)
(For me to see how, ohhh)

Escape The Fate – Picture Perfect – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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