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Letra Música Revolution – The Used

It’s not enough to kill the past, be blind to history
And all at once there’s a black cloud coming made of gasoline
I see that you have set the price, made sure that nothing’s free
One way to move forward is to learn who’s stopping me
Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Burn, like a fire in the rain, like a fire in the rain
This is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution, yeah

We looked at the price tag, and it’s one we can’t afford
We were taught that progression means accumulating more
It’s not to protect ourselves, so why are we at war?
And isn’t it obvious we’re adding up the score?

Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Burn, like a fire in the rain, like a fire in the rain
This is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution, yeah

I’ll never turn my back on where I’m from
I’ll never stop believing
I’ll always love my home
But from that love I’ve noticed who’s been burned
I’ve noticed who’s still bleeding
It seems the fire has grown

So from now on I pledge allegiance
To a world that’s so much different
No one suffers, everyone is free
Revolution starts with me

Revolution! Revolution!
Calling for a revolution
Revolution! Revolution!
Calling for

Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Yeah, this is the end, this is the end!
(This is the end)

Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Yeah, this is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution
Burn, like a fire in the rain, like a fire in the rain
This is the end, this is the end, calling for revolution, yeah
Calling for revolution, yeah
Calling for revolutionThe Used – Revolution – Ouvir Música

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