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Letra Música Song For Isabelle – Pierce The Veil

She paints in grey
And she closes her eyes
Till the fireworks and palm trees almost look alike
She looks up to me and whispers
I won’t be here in a year
So I take the long road
To think and wonder why
I can’t sleep with all this sunlight
If there’s still evidence of us
Why can’t that be enough?

I don’t mean to drag you down
You taste just like you always do

Isabelle hides so I can’t find my way
I’d give anything just to surround your dreams

The envy of the dead
The sound of scissors and sleep
I can’t believe you dreamed and pulled all of your clothes off
You’re not supposed to drink with what’s inside your purse

And not expect me not to call you out
I’m guiding your chin to my lips using only my fingertips
All we have are parking lots and nowhere to go
If you love me, then show me more

Isabelle watches me from far away
I’d give anything just to surround your dreams
I know you like when the temperature rises to a boiling heat
The chlorine and wine found
He sees through her nightgown
And everything fades away

The stars awake
But we can’t see them out
So why pretend?
Is there a train that travels back to yours at 5am?
Or are we walking?

Car alarms and leaves that blow
They’re calling out our names
But it’s gone too far
Your butane mouth will spit me into flames

Sorry ‘bout it, I can’t help it
I’m an anarchist in love
And I forgot to call you
I can’t break you down while I
Think about honey and the sweet new york sounds

Isabelle hides so I can’t find my way
I’d give anything to carry on the same way
The temperature rises to this boiling heat
The chlorine and wine found
He sees through her nightgown
As saturday burns away

Back in the days when I was young
I’m not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid againPierce The Veil – Song For Isabelle – Ouvir Música

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