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Letra Música Hell Above – Pierce The Veil

I cannot spend another night in this home
I close my eyes and take a breath real slow
The consequence is if I leave, I’m alone
But what’s the difference when you beg for love?
As I run through glass in the street
Kerosene hearts
Carry the name that my father gave me
And take the face of the wolf

‘Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there’s hell over me

I met a girl who never looked so alone
Like sugar water in your mouth luke warm
She tied a cherry stem for me with her tongue
We fell in love and now we’re both alone

‘Cause I don’t need any more friends
And another kiss like a fire on pavement
We’ll burn it down to the end

Oh, oh
This is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there’s hell over me
The water is rusted, the air is unclean
And there for a second I feel free
‘Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat

I’ve waited all this night to honor you and say
I know it’s hard, but who are you to fall apart on me, on me?

This is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there’s hell over me

‘Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there’s hell over me
Said what about us, well what about me?
Hang from the gallows, asleep in the rain
‘Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat

Paralyze me
Don’t let me jump, don’t let me fallPierce The Veil – Hell Above – Ouvir Música

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