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Letra Música Turn Off The Lights – Panic! At The Disco

I got so sick of being on my own
Now the devil wont leave me alone
It’s almost like I found a friend
Who’s in it for the bitter end
Our conscious’s are always so much heavier than our egos
I set my expectations high
So nothing ever comes out right
So shoot a star on the boulevard tonight
I think I’ll figure it out with a little more time
But who needs time

Turn off the lights, turn off the lights
Turn on the charm for me tonight
I’ve got my heavy heart to hold me down
Once it falls apart, my heads in the clouds
So taking every chance I got
Like the man I know I’m not

So sick of wasting all my time
How in gods name did, I survive
I need a little sympathy
To sore my insecurities
Our conscious’s are always so much heavier than our egos
I set my expectations high
So nothing ever comes out right

So shoot a star on the boulevard tonight
I think I’ll figure it out with a little more time
But who needs time

Turn off the lights, turn off the lights
Turn on the charm for me tonight
I’ve got my heavy heart to hold me down
Once it falls apart, my heads in the clouds
So taking every chance I got
Like the man I know I’m not

Oh, oh, oh
A heavy heart on the boulevard tonight, oh
Shooting stars watch me fall apart tonight, woah

Turn off the lights, turn off the lights
Turn on the charm for me tonight
I’ve got my heavy heart to hold me down
Once it falls apart my heads in the clouds
So taking every chance I got
Like the man I know I’m not

Oh woah, oh woah, oh woah
Oh woah, oh woah, oh woahPanic! At The Disco – Turn Off The Lights – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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