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Letra Música This Is Gospel – Panic! At The Disco

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories
This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues
Conspire against the odds
But they haven’t seen the best of us yet

If you love me, let me go
If you love me, let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

This is gospel for the vagabonds
Ne’er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
Led away by imperfect impostors

This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

This is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart

Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
‘Cause I won’t give up without a fight

If you love me, let me go
If you love me, let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

The fear of falling apart
The fear, the fear of falling apart

This is the beat of my heart (the fear of falling apart)
This is the beat of my heartPanic! At The Disco – This Is Gospel – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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