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Letra Música One Of The Drunks – Panic! At The Disco

(Welcome to the club!)
(Welcome to the club!)
Orange juice, pour out half the carton
Grey Goose, pour it, get it started
Good times, remedy your sorrows
Baptize, don’t worry ‘bout tomorrow

Shake it up, shake it up
Now it’s time to dive in
Share a cup, share a cup
Now you’re screwdriving
Every weekend with your friends
Every weekday when it ends
Damn, it’s all good, I guess

This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
Searching for a new high, high as the sun, uncomfortably numb
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks

Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the club!

Never dry, every day you’re thirsty
Bourbon high, sip it till you’re tipsy
Night’s young, searching for a feeling
Big fun, dancing with the demons

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
Grips you like a pistol
Wet the whistle, wet the whistle
Abyss of ice crystals
Every weekend with your friends
Every weekday when it ends
Damn, it’s all good, I guess

This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
Searching for a new high, high as the sun, uncomfortably numb
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks

Welcome to the club!

Round and round and round and round and round and round
Damn, it’s all good
Round and round and round and round and round and round
Damn, it’s all good, I guess

This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
Searching for a new high, high as the sun, uncomfortably numb
This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks

Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the club!

This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks
Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the club!Panic! At The Disco – One Of The Drunks – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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