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Letra Música New Perspective – Panic! At The Disco

I feel the salty waves come in
I feel them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire
Because I know they’ll never win
There’s a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I’ll lose the traits that worry me
Can we fast-forward until you go down on me?

Stop there and let me correct it
I want to live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I’ll admire your expensive taste
And who cares? Divine intervention
I want to be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

Can we fast-forward until you go down on me?

Taking everything for granted
But we still respect the time
We move along with some new passion
Knowing everything is fine
And I would wait and watch the hours fall
In a hundred separate lines
But I regain repose and wonder
How I ended up inside

Can we fast-forward until you go down on me?

Stop there and let me correct it
I want to live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I’ll admire your expensive taste
And who cares? Divine intervention
I want to be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here
Catch me up on getting out of here

More to the point, I need to show
How much I can come and go
Other plans fell through
And put a heavy load on you, I know
There’s no more that need be said
When I’m inching through your bed
Take a look around instead and watch me go

Stop there and let me correct it
I want to live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I’ll admire your expensive taste
And who cares? Divine intervention
I want to be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

It’s not fair, just let me perfect it
Don’t want to live a life that is comprehensive
Because seeing clear would be a bad idea
Now catch me up on getting out of here
So catch me up, I’m getting out of here

G-g-go down on me
Can we fast-forward until you go d-d-d-d-downPanic! At The Disco – New Perspective – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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