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Letra Música Death of a Bachelor – Panic! At The Disco

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me
I don’t look the same
Maybe I lost weight
I’m playing hooky
With the best of the best
Pull my heart out my chest
So that you can see it too
I’m walking the long road
Watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress
Tangles my neck
How do I live?

The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after, whooo
How could I ask for more?
Lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor

I’m cutting my mind off
It feels like my heart is going to burst
Alone at a table for two
And I just want to be served
And when you think of me
Am I the best you’ve ever had?
Share one more drink with me
Smile even though you’re sad

I’m walking the long road
Watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress
Tangles my neck
How do I live?

The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after, whooo
How could I ask for more?
Lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor

The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after, whooo
How could I ask for more?
Lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelorPanic! At The Disco – Death of a Bachelor – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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