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Letra Música Middle Of The Night – Our Last Night

I summoned you, please come to me
Don’t bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want
Come, lay me down
‘Cause you know this
‘Cause you know this sound

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

Just call my name, I’m yours to tame

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long till morning comes
I’m getting what is mine, you gon’ get yours, oh no, ooh

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night, oh

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane
I’ll captivate, you’re hypnotized
Feel powerful, but it’s me again

Come, lay me down
‘Cause I know this
‘Cause I know this sound

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Just call my name, I’m yours to tame

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long till morning comes
I’m getting what is mine, you gon’ get yours, oh no, ooh

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night, oh

And just call on me, ah
Just call my name
Like you mean it

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Just call my name, I’m yours to tame

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night

I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long till morning comes
I’m getting what is mine, you gon’ get yours, oh

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night, oh, whoaOur Last Night – Middle Of The Night – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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