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Letra Música How Do I Tell A Girl I Want To Kiss Her? – Modern Baseball

She smiles bites her lips and turns away
From that point on she’s not just another face
She turns back to him with those hazel eyes
There is no point of return she’s all that’s on his mind
But he doesn’t know what she’s been through before
Puts herself on the front lines with no reward
And takes care everyone else before herself

She’s on his mind day and night
Thinks he takes her for granted but to her surprise
He needs her more than she needs him
Won’t fight, no just walks away
Won’t tell his secrets just keeps them safe
That’s why she’s, she’s not just another face

So now her picture is in his head
And she’s all he talks about to his friends
He acts like it’s nothing but we all know the truth
But she thinks she’s been through it all before
But this time it’s different and she can’t ignore
Those signs that he’s sending cause there nothing but proof

He’s thinking: Hold my hand, hold it tight
Whether the weather is cold tonight
I promise it will be alright

She’s on his mind day and night
Thinks he takes her for granted but to her surprise
He needs her more than she needs him
Won’t fight, no just walks away
Won’t tell his secrets just keeps them safe
That’s why she’s, she’s not just another face

She catches on to all his signs
A change of pace for her but it’s fine
She’s not use to it but he goes the distance for her too
She is all he needs and desires
And it is about that she acquired
Someone who knows she’s not a fool

She’s on his mind day and night
Thinks he takes her for granted but to her surprise
He needs her more than she needs him
Won’t fight, no just walks away
Won’t tell his secrets just keeps them safe
That’s why she’s, she’s not just another faceModern Baseball – How Do I Tell A Girl I Want To Kiss Her? – Ouvir Música

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