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Letra Música Looks Red, Tastes Blue – Mayday Parade

This is the longest day I’ve ever had
I’m far away but I am right there
If distance only makes you stronger
Don’t make it last any longer
My mind is racing and it won’t stop
And every thought is something negative
I hope this doesn’t last forever
We’re always meant to be together
I won’t lie, this hurts more than you’ll ever know

That’s when something told me that

If I pinch myself so that I wake
(That means it never really happened)
‘Cause I can feel my tears finding their way
(I fear it’s worse than I imagined)

I’m sick of writing every thought out
Reliving every single moment
Say what you mean, it’s now or never
Because nothing is forever
I won’t lie, this hurts more than you’ll ever know
(The thought of you all alone)
Your eyes rolled back as you fade to black
(It’s not worth living without you)

That’s when something told me that

If I pinch myself so that I wake
(That means it never really happened)
‘Cause I can feel my tears finding their way
(I fear it’s worse than I imagined)

But I’ll hold this memory
And I swear I won’t forget your face
‘Cause pictures always seem to fade away

Now my blood turns red to blue
(Now my blood turns red to blue)
And I can’t breathe without you
(And I can’t breathe without you)

(Now my blood turns red to blue)
My blood turns red to blue
(And I can’t breathe without you)
No, I can’t breathe
No, I can’t breathe

If I pinch myself so that I wake
(That means it never really happened)
‘Cause I can feel my tears finding their way
(I fear it’s worse than I imagined)

But I’ll hold this memory
And I swear I won’t forget your face
‘Cause pictures always seem to fade away
(Why do they always fade away?)
‘Cause pictures always seem to fade away
(Why do they always fade?)
(Why do they fade away?)

Now my blood turns red to blue
And I can’t breathe without youMayday Parade – Looks Red, Tastes Blue – Ouvir Música

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