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Letra Música Kids Of Summer – Mayday Parade

There’s a time that’s always so fitting
Where the sites and sounds were just the beginning
I didn’t know that years ago I’d find myself
In ways that warped my brain
And I knew that everything would be better
If we only had more time
But in the moment I found simpler things
Yeah, in the moment I found mine

But it’s a long way down after the other
Twelve long months until I recover
It’s a long way down after the other one

Those days are long gone but we can all pretend
Our love was so strong
Let’s do it all again and make new scars
We’ll fly into the night like shooting stars

Faster, go faster so we can finally breathe
Turn up the stereo and let us all sing
Our favorite songs, the ones that keep reminding us
That we were the kids of the summer

Those days, I remember ‘em hitting like a tidal wave
Wrapped up in a pretty little face
Covered me entirely with sun and rain through summer days
And oh, my heart grew bigger back then somehow

I got the feeling I wanted but it’s all gone now
Thought it would last forever inside my chest
Let’s keep it beating together

But it’s a long way down after the other
Twelve long months until I recover
It’s a long way down after the other one

Those days are long gone but we can all pretend
Our love was so strong
Let’s do it all again and make new scars
We’ll fly into the night like shooting stars

Faster, go faster so we can finally breathe
Turn up the stereo and let us all sing
Our favorite songs, the ones that keep reminding us
That we were the kids of the summer

The summer
The summer
It was all ours

And I knew that everything would be better
If we only had more time
But in the moment I found simpler things
Yeah, in the moment I found mine

But it’s a long way down after the other
Twelve long months until I recover
It’s a long way down after the other one

Those days are long gone but we can all pretend
Our love was so strong
Let’s do it all again and make new scars
We’ll fly into the night like shooting stars

Faster, go faster so we can finally breathe
Turn up the stereo and let us all sing
Our favorite songs, the ones that keep reminding us
That we were the kids of the summer

The summer
The summer
It was all ours
We were the kids of the summerMayday Parade – Kids Of Summer – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal