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Letra Música Hear The Sound – Mayday Parade

Hear the sound as she whispers in your ear
It’s the saddest song, begging to come home
Hear the sound as she whispers in your ear
It’s the saddest song begging to come home
Hear the sound as a telephone crashes down
You can hear it from the east and west coast

So promise you’ll find the strength
To hold on for one more day

I lost myself on saturday
This keeps reminding me I need to find my wings
Bless your heart and bless this family name
I’d write a thousand songs just to keep you calm on your journey home

Hear the sound as your heart falls to the floor
It’s a wonder that you’ll need it anymore
Hear the sound of love worth writing down
All across this empty town
It’s the saddest song begging to come home

If I could just fight the pain, whatever made you that way

I lost myself on saturday
This keeps reminding me I need to find my wings
Bless your heart and bless this family name
I’d write a thousand songs just to keep you calm on your journey home

It’s sink or swim but I’m going down
I swore it as I started to drown
Without you I got no place to go
So just bury me beside you, bury me beside you
Can’t think about the way that it hurts
When every single word that you spoke
Meant more to me than you’ll ever know
Than you’ll ever know
Than you’ll ever know.

I lost myself on saturday
This keeps reminding me I need to find my wings
Bless your heart and bless this family name
I’d write a thousand songs just to keep you calm on your journey home
On your journey home
On your journey home
Mayday Parade – Hear The Sound – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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