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Letra Música MANTRA – Bring Me The Horizon

Do you wanna start a cult with me?
I’m not vibrating like I ought to be
I need a purpose, I can’t keep surfing
Through this existential misery
Now we’re gonna need some real estate
But if I choose my words carefully
Think I could fool you that I’m the guru?
Wait, how do you spell epiphany?

Before the truth will set you free
It’ll piss you off
Before you find a place to be
You’re gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now
One ear and right out the other one
‘Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra

Could I have your attention, please?
It’s time to tap into your tragedy
Think you could use a new abuser
Close your eyes and listen carefully

Imagine you’re stood on a beach
Water gently lapping at your feet
But now you’re sinking, what were you thinking?
That’s all the time we have this week

Before the truth will set you free
It’ll piss you off
Before you find a place to be
You’re gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now
One ear and right out the other one
‘Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra

And I know this doesn’t make a lot of sense
But do you really wanna think about yourself now?
All I’m asking for’s a little bit of faith
You know it’s easy to believe

And I know this doesn’t make a lot of sense
You know you gotta work the corners of your mind now
All I’m asking for’s a little bit of faith
You know it’s easy to, so easy to believe

Before the truth will set you free
It’ll piss you off
Before you find a place to be
You’re gonna lose the plot

Before the truth will set you free
It’ll piss you off
Before you find a place to be
You’re gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now
One ear and right out the other one
‘Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantraBring Me The Horizon – MANTRA – Ouvir Música

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