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Letra Música Empire (Let Them Sing) – Bring Me The Horizon

It’s the start of the end
Surrender the throne
The blood on my hands covered the holes
We’ve been surrounded by vicious cycles
Are we truly alone?
The scars on your heart are yours to atone
We’ve been surrounded
Let ‘em sing, let ‘em sing

The deeper you dig, the darker it gets
There’s nowhere else for us to go
We live while we learn, and then we forget
We’ll never find our way back home

Come on

They came like moths to a flame
You live like a house in a hurricane

(The wolves are at my door)

It’s the start of the end
Surrender the throne
The blood on my hands covered the holes

We’ve been surrounded by vicious cycles
The end – are we truly alone?
The scars on your heart are yours to atone
We’ve been surrounded
Let ‘em sing, let ‘em sing

I hear them calling at the gates
(Let us in, let us in)
I hear them calling out my name
(I don’t care)

Let them sing, let them sing, let them sing
Let the bastards sing
Let them sing, let them sing
Let the bastards sing
Let them sing, let them sing
Let the bastards sing
Let the God-forsaken bastards sing

They came like moths to a flame
You live like a house in a hurricane

The wolves are at my door
But I can see the writing on the wall
The wolves are at my door
Waiting for my empire to fall

It’s the start of the end
Surrender the throne
The blood on my hands covered the holes

We’ve been surrounded by vicious cycles
The end and we’re truly alone
The scars on your heart are yours to atone
We’ve been surrounded
Let ‘em sing, let ‘em singBring Me The Horizon – Empire (Let Them Sing) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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