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Letra Música Crucify Me – Bring Me The Horizon

Crucify me and nail my hands to a wooden cross
There is nothing above, there is nothing below
Heaven and Hell lives in all of us
And I’ll be cast astray
I am an ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of lungs could salvage me

Only a shipwreck, only a ghost
Merely a graveyard of your former self
We just watch the waves crash over
We all get cast astray

There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
No one needs to know
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
No one needs to know

I am an ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of lungs could salvage me

Save yourself, save your breath
The tide’s too strong, you’ll catch your death
So breathe for me, just breathe

There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it

Oh, if we make it through the night
If we make it out alive
Lord have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me?
Don’t hope to ever find me
And I fear I’m too far gone
Pray for the dead

Oh, if we make it through the night
If we make it out alive
Lord have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me?
Don’t hope to ever find me
And I fear I’m too far gone
Pray for the dead

Pray for the dead
Pray for the dead
Pray for the dead

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your full undivided attention?
There’s something you all really need to know

There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it
There is a Heaven, let’s keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I’ve seen it

Oh, if we make it through the night
If we make it out alive
Are you saying that you can save me?
Don’t hope to ever find me
And I fear I’m too far gone
Pray for the dead

Oh, if we make it through the night
If we make it out alive
Lord have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me?
Don’t hope to ever find me
And I fear I’m too far gone
Pray for the dead

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of meBring Me The Horizon – Crucify Me – Ouvir Música

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