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Letra Música New Religion – Black Veil Brides

Welcome to your life
We have got you in our sights
And thoughts of God are better left alone
It’s in your head black and blue
What they told you wasn’t true
Come along and fight with the unknown
The army’s grown

We’ll pray to all the wrong decisions (whoa)
This time you’ll show all you can be (whoa)
Grab your weapons now
We’ll run against the crowd
And changing history


Let’s take the vow, we will show you how
Your time has come for the new religion
Your voice is found, be a savior now
The battle’s won for the new religion

No one can defeat what the congregation speaks
Bound together the flag that we defend
They made a fool out of you
But you knew just what to do
Raise your fists up and stand until the end
(Fight back)

We’ll pray to all the wrong decisions (whoa)
This time you’ll show all you can be (whoa)
Grab your weapons now
We’ll run against the crowd
And changing history


Let’s take the vow, we will show you how
Your time has come for the new religion
Your voice is found, be a savior now
The battle’s won for the new religion

Come now and imagine with me
Taking back a world that was once ours
Let’s regain the power
And then we will end what we’ve begun

Let’s take the vow, we will show you how
Your time has come for the new religion
Your voice is found, be a savior now
The battle’s won for the new religion

We are the unholy
We are the bastard sons of your media culture
Our minds, eyes and bodies were born in your exclusion
An illusion you hide behind
You don’t love a God
You love your comfort!
To you we are filth, we are dirty
So be it!

We are dirty and unclean
A congregation of the unseen
Together we will set this world on fire
This is the new religion
Amen!Black Veil Brides – New Religion – Ouvir Música

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