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Letra Música In the End (Alive and Burning Version) – Black Veil Brides

In the end
As we fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
(Who will tell the story of your life?)
In the end
As my soul’s laid to rest
What is left of my body
Or I’m just a shell?
That worked good!
And I have fought
And with flesh and blood I commanded an army
Just say its words!
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory
I gave it all!

In the end
As we fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
(Who will tell) the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
(Cause it’s the end) and I’m not afraid
(I’m not afraid to die)
(I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid to die)

Born a saint
Though with every sin I still wanna be holy
And I will live again
Who we are
Isn’t how we live we are more than our bodies
And If I fall (I will rise back up and relive my glory)

(In the end)
(As we fade into the night, oh whoa oh oh)
(Who will tell the story of your life, oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye, here we go!
(Oh whoa oh oh)
(Cause it’s the end and I’m not afraid)
(I’m not afraid to die)
Thank you so fuckin’ much, guys!

(In the end) William Control!
(As we fade into the night, oh whoa oh oh)
(Who will tell) the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
Cause it’s the end and I’m not afraid
I’m not afraid to die
Give up for WIlliam Control!

(Cause it’s the end) and I’m not afraid
I’m fuckin’ not afraid to die

And I’m not afraid
Not afraid to die
Hey, hey, hey!
(Not not afraid)
And I’m not afraid to die!Black Veil Brides – In the End (Alive and Burning Version) – Ouvir Música

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