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Letra Música Demons And Monsters – 347aidan

World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers
Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head yeah my thoughts always wonder
Lost in my head yeah my thoughts always wonder
Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
People in charge are just really the robbers

World over ran by the demons and monsters (yeah)
World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers

Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head, yeah, my thoughts always wonder
World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers

Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head, yeah, my thoughts always wonder
Chasin’ these demons that wasted my time
Monsters be chattin’ inside of my mind

Baby, I love you but don’t text my line
You just distract me when I’m tryna shine
Bullets to people that causin’ me pain
Losin’ myself, yeah, I’m mentally drained
And you brought me sorrow, whenever it rained
And now your a stranger I see random days

Nah-nah, nah-nah-nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah-nah-nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah-nah-nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah-nah-nah, nah

You got me runnin’ in circles
Scribbles the side of my dirt though
Your beauty is what had me stare though
But you got me jumpin’ these hurdles

World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers
Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head, yeah, my thoughts always wonder

World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers
Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars

Lost in my head, yeah, my thoughts always wonder
World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers

Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head, yeah, my thoughts always wonder
Smokin’ green and doin’ pottery

To get into the lottery
No money but the property
A simple piece of poverty
We all need some modesty
Equal forms of quantity
And I might cause a robbery
To steal all the ease and mine was taken by society

I’ma need sobriety
Addicted to the days that ran me down, but what an irony
But I was self decidedly
Building all this rivalry
Cutting out and tossing people smiling
Like finally

They thought all of my thoughts gonna wander, yeah
Lost and I search for a dollar, yeah
Good people turn into robbers

And I’m hiding from demons and monsters
World over ran by the demons and monsters
People in charge are just really the robbers
Fall into evil corrupt for the dollars
Lost in my head yeah my thoughts always wonder347aidan – Demons And Monsters – Ouvir Música

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