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Letra Música Be Happy – 347aidan

I don’t really care for that person anymore
Put me down walked over me I’m walking out the door
Laughing with my friends, smoking laying on the floor
Life is feeling better now so much I can explore
Zooming by left her behind I’m better on my own
Doing fine I’m getting high smoke into the throne
Living live to the fullest death will come unknown

Wanna run away and change my name then smash all of my phones
I don’t really care for that person anymore
Put me down walked over me I’m walking out the door

Laughing with my friends smoking laying on the floor
Life is feeling better now so much I can explore
Young and dumb I’m stuck inside my motherfuckin head

Wide awake it’s early morning damn I should’ve slept
Texting me she wants me now I’m leaving her read
Escaping toxic people they gon chase me till I’m dead

Drunk and sad I wanna talk why is it this way
Bipolar watch me switch my mood you’d think that I’m insane
Eyes are red, got burn holes in my shirt I can’t explain
Skipping school and making art that’s coming thru my brain

Every girl is different but they all acting the same
Smoke another blunt and say it tuck it either way
I don’t really care for that person anymore

Put me down walked over me I’m walking out the door
Laughing with my friends smoking laying on the floor
Life is feeling better now so much I can explore

Ya I’m just a misfit
Ya I’m going psycho
Ya she is a demon
Sadly that’s my type tho
Higher then the clouds are

Texts with a lot typos
Tell me what to do ya
Don’t need ur advice tho

I don’t really care for that person anymore
Put me down walked over me I’m walking out the door
Laughing with my friends smoking laying on the floor
Life is feeling better now so much I can explore347aidan – Be Happy – Ouvir Música

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