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Letra Música Pour Over – Vintage Culture

Turn the porchlight off
So you don’t think I’m home
I wish you’d taste your words
But you sit at your throne
Drop after drop
Keep filling me up
Keep twisting my arm
Try giving you up

You’re pouring over
I’m breathing water
I’m keeping my composure
Your small sins blur together

They follow me home

Did you make a mess
To prove you could?
Should I clean it up
Like you thought I would?

When you pour over

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe o-oh breathe

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe

You can’t hear me say
With your head in the sand
That you’re taking too much
I wear you like a brand

I’m washing away
And you’re giving me up
Drop after drop
You don’t give a fuck

Did you make a mess
To prove you could?
Should I clean it up
Like you thought that I would?

Did you write it down?
Did you leave it for me?
Did the words bend and blur?
Make me weak in the knees

When you pour over

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, o-oh breathe

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe

If I give you a flower
If I love you louder
If I give you an hour
You turn it sour
And I’m a coward

Did you make a mess
To prove you could?
Should I clean it up
Like you thought that I would?

Did you write it down?
Did you leave it for me?
Did the words bend and blur?
Make me weak in the knees

When you pour over

Pour over me, me, me, me, pour o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, o-oh breathe

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, o-oh breathe

Pour over me, me, me, me, o-oh, me
Don’t let me breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breatheVintage Culture – Pour Over – Ouvir Música

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal iG